Back to the toolbox DSSC

Submit to the Toolbox

There are 4 steps to submit your tool:

  1. Get acquainted with the DSSC Blueprint. It includes the building blocks that provide the functional and technical requirements for your tool.

  2. Download the templates from the section below:

    • The metadata template

    • The self-assessment template

  3. Fill in the templates

  4. Submit the template via the DSSC support system here: submission form

The DSSC-team will evaluate your submission and communicate the results by email within 3 to 4 weeks. If the evaluation is successful, the tool will be listed in the Toolbox.


1. Metadata template

This information will be provided in the Toolbox.

DSSC Toolbox metadata template - v1.6.docx

2a. Self-assessment template technical tools

This excel file contains a specific tab for every service type. You only have to answer the questions related to the service type of your tool. All questions must be answered.

There are 2 types of questions:

  • Assessment questions: these questions reflect the mandatory and optional requirements. To list the tool in the Toolbox, all mandatory requirements must be satisfied.
  • Categorization questions: the answers are not used to evaluate the tool, but provide additional information for end users of the Toolbox.

Blueprint v1.5*

Toolbox - Self-assessment v0.5.xlsx

Blueprint v2.0*

Will follow soon. Expected end of May 2025.

2b. Self-assessment template for business & organisational support tools

Blueprint v2.0**

Will follow soon. Expected end of May 2025.

* Note! Blueprint v2.0 is finalized and published in March 2025. The self-assessments that reflect the new requirements will follow shortly. You can still submit according to current templates. We may approach you with a few additional questions later on.

** The notion of business and organisational support tools are introduced in Blueprint v2.0. We are finalizing the self-assessment template for this. Please already submit your tool with only the metadata template. We'll approach you when we have the self-assessment template ready.